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Babies are born with the reflexes to root (turning their head to get a proper latch on mother’s nipple) and suck so that they are ready to breastfeed after birth. Babies have other reflexes that disappear once they are no longer needed. These reflexes disappear because voluntary or intentional motor skills replace them. Gross Motor skills are often talked about by parents, “when did your baby first sit up?” or “are they crawling yet?” are common topics for discussion.
A “motor skill” is simply an action that involves your baby using their muscles. Gross Motor skills are larger movements your baby makes with their arms, legs, feet, or entire body. Crawling, running, and jumping are Gross Motor skills.
Fine Motor skills are smaller actions. When your baby picks things up between their finger and thumb, or wriggles their toes in the sand, they are using their Fine Motor skills. But it's not just about fingers and toes. When your baby uses their lips and tongue to taste and feel objects, they are using Fine Motor skills, too.
When your baby is a newborn, their brain is not mature enough to control skilled movement.
Development starts at the head, and then moves down the body. Your newborn baby can control their mouth, face, lips, and tongue, with the rest following in time.
Tummy time during play, and little or reduced play in the jolly jumper or exersaucer, will help your baby use and develop the right muscles at the right time
In any area of your baby's body, their Gross Motor skills develop before their Fine Motor skills. Your baby will be able to bring their arms together before they learns how to pass a toy from hand to hand.
In order for your baby to really do things for themself, they will need to use Gross and Fine Motor skills together. They'll gradually get better at this as they grow into toddlerhood.
If you feel that Physiotherapy would help your child develop or strengthen these skills, please contact the centre or make a referral.
R.E.S.T. Workshop
We received physiotherapy for our daughter who was being considered for a helmet for plagiocephaly. From our first appointment to our last, we received wonderful care. The staff at CTFRC were always very friendly, welcoming, and had a great spirit. The Physiotherapist was very kind, gentle and provided us with so much knowledge!
The outlet to have a professional available for help and advice and direction was key in our success, along with the tips, tools and education I received. They are so great at checking in and making sure I know there are supports, if necessary.
Having someone to talk me through the stages and calm my nerves about [my child's] development is what helped me the most. the sessions were always super informative and gave great advice on what to work on with [my child]. Just having the peace of mind that we were on the right track. I appreciate the service so much and I would recommend to any concerned parent!