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Online: www.actcommunity.ca/information/autism-diagnosis-in-bc/ This page presents an overview of the diagnosis process in BC. For a more comprehensive view, see Chapter 1 of ACT’s Autism Manual for BC which is available as a free download in.PDF format.
A Manual for Parents & Community Professionals Online: www.actcommunity.ca/information/autism-manual-for-bc/ Act’s Autism Manual for BC is a work in progress as we gather and continually update information on a wide-range of autism specific materials. Several of our chapters are relevant to families and professionals across disabilities and we are hopeful they will be shared widely.
https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/managing-your-health/autism/autism_handbook_english.pdf This handbook is for parents and caregivers of children and youth who may have, or have been diagnosed with, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).It provides information on ASD, intervention, and programs available for children and youth with ASD and their families. The Ministry of Child and Family Development (MCFD), Education and Health Services work closely to coordinate assessment, diagnosis, intervention and support services for children and youth with ASD and their families.
www.phsa.ca/our-services/programs-services/bc-autism-assessment-network What is BCAAN? A program of the Provincial Health Services Authority, BCAAN is responsible for assessing and diagnosing children who may have autism. The goal of BCAAN is to provide timely assessment and diagnosis within reasonable distance of the child's home. BCAAN includes specialists and health care professionals throughout BC. Assessment services are provided by each of the five geographic health authorities.
www.chrisrosecentre.org Telephone: The Chris Rose Therapy Centre for Autism provides educational, therapeutic, life skills, and family support services for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Located in Kamloops, BC.
Online: www.actcommunity.ca
Online: www.autismbc.ca
This pamphlet presents ways for you and your child to cope with the stress and worry that may come with blood draws. These may be helpful for individuals of any age of with other conditions.
R.E.S.T. Workshop
We received physiotherapy for our daughter who was being considered for a helmet for plagiocephaly. From our first appointment to our last, we received wonderful care. The staff at CTFRC were always very friendly, welcoming, and had a great spirit. The Physiotherapist was very kind, gentle and provided us with so much knowledge!
The outlet to have a professional available for help and advice and direction was key in our success, along with the tips, tools and education I received. They are so great at checking in and making sure I know there are supports, if necessary.
Having someone to talk me through the stages and calm my nerves about [my child's] development is what helped me the most. the sessions were always super informative and gave great advice on what to work on with [my child]. Just having the peace of mind that we were on the right track. I appreciate the service so much and I would recommend to any concerned parent!